Thursday, October 30, 2008

Success by Definition

What is success? Success is defined in the New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary as follows: “the accomplishment of what is desired or aimed at//attainment of wealth, fame prosperity etc.” Even though there is a true definition for success, we all have our own idea of what success means to us.

When people start in a business of their own you hear them say “I want to be successful.” When you ask them to elaborate for you it varies greatly from the stay at home mom who would like to make an extra $1000.00 to help pay the mortgage and build her self-esteem by contributing to the household income, to the father of three who would like to match his income so that he can work from home and be with his family more, to the person who wants it all. A business that allows them to work from home, set their own hours, spend more time with their family, vacation when and where they want and enough money that not only they can live comfortably but also their children and grandchildren.

When speaking to these people as a coach and mentor you have to be very careful not to cross the line and try to build a business larger then what each person wants. Yes, as time goes on some may change their mind and want to shoot for the stars but we cannot force that upon those that are not willing.

As your group grows be sure to listen to all those that are in your business and help them to build the business to THEIR level of success, not yours. Only by doing so will you really be able to say that you are a true leader.

To be successful in a multilevel marketing business you need to get the skills required to make you a successful leader. There is a program that is now available on line that is unlike any other. It has been in the making now for four years by creator Nadira Haniff. It is a hands on program that gives people enrolled one-on-one coaching to develop both mindset and skill set that is required to be a successful leader. Enrollment is limited, apply today!

Suzanne has a successful home based business and is a successful network marketer. She enjoys helping others to live the life of their dreams.

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