Thursday, October 2, 2008

LET THE DREAMS BEGIN – You deserve to win in life

Money. do you have it? Do you need it? If you do need it, what do you need it for? How much do you need? Moreover, what would you be willing to do to get it?

I do believe that dreaming - backed up with total belief that you can and will achieve your dream - works.

However, dreaming alone will not fulfill your dreams. Just like setting goals, you need to be specific when dreaming. For example, if your dream is to have a fancy car, don't go window shopping at the Kia dealership, go to a Jaguar or Mercedes dealership then put together a plan to acquire the money to purchase that car.

I do NOT believe that money can buy you happiness; but money CAN afford you all the other things that you may want in this life. And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with driving a Mercedes or living in a big house, is there?

What do you want out of life? A bigger home? A fancier car? To send your children to better schools? Freedom so you can spend more time with your family? To retire early?

Let's get specific. Let's say your dream is to own a new Mercedes. Well, as we know, a Mercedes can cost as little as $40,000 and as much as $80,000 dollars, AND MORE. So, for this example, let's assume the Mercedes of your dream would cost you $40,000.

If you were to finance this car, your monthly payments would run around $700 - $800 per month for the next 5-6 years.

Now, let's assume that between you and your spouse (if you are married) you bring home $2,000 a month, after taxes. It wouldn't make much sense to spend half of that on a vehicle, so let's look at what it would take to earn that extra money: You could take on an extra job and work an extra 4 hours a day (5 days a week). If you earn $10.00 per hour, after taxes, that would be an extra $160.00 per week and would just about take care of your Mercedes payment. Would it be worth it? Well, you would have your Mercedes, however, you would now be working most of the time for the next 5 years. In my opinion, having to work a second job just to pay for a fancy car, pretty much takes the fun out of owning it.

Now, let's look at what it would take to earn the money for your new Mercedes instead of working an extra job leveraging other people's time. Let's say you start a home business and you get 2 new members in the next week, and follow the plan for Perfect Duplication (ie: 2 new members sign up 2 new members who can and will get 2 new members) and each person makes their 2 members within a week (they also get 2 more members who can and will get 2 members). Within 16 weeks, you could not only buy that new Mercedes, you could also buy your spouse a Kia Sorento*!

So, now let's compare the two different methods of earning the extra money:

1.) You work an extra job which will require approximately 6,000 hours of work, or
2.) You choose networking. You made 2 sales and then that was it.

So, 5 years of working 4 hours a day, 5 days a week or sign up 2 members who can and will sign up 2 members.

It's the power of leveraging people's time. It's the power of networking. Learn more about networking, camaraderie, teamwork and winning in business at

Suzanne has a successful home based business and enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

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