Monday, October 13, 2008

Make a Living or Design a Life

We all have choices in life. One of the biggest choices we’ll make in life is best said in a quote by Jim Rohn, “ We all have two choice: We can make a living or design a life.” Think about that for just a moment. What would it be like to design your life ANY way you’d like? Imagine the feeling of literally owning your life, to do what you want when you want to do it. To take a vacation where you want, when you want and stay as long as you choose to do so as money is no longer ruling how you live your life.

It’s a way of life that many dream of, but relatively few experience. So what’s the difference? Some are willing to pay the price while others settle for mediocrity. Some are willing to do what it takes today so they can live the life that they dream of tomorrow. Those people realize that there is no such thing as instant gratification but will settle for the rewards of there work in the future. Are you willing to pay the price for your success and your freedom?

I recently became part of a group of 25 ordinary people who are willing to pay the price and take massive action towards our goals for the next 180 days and we’re doing it in plain sight for all to see. We’re already down to 20 on our marketing team. Our coach, Nadira Haniff, assigns weekly and daily tasks that need to be completed for us to succeed. Do you have what it takes to make it through this program?

We will soon be taking the program 180 days to greatness out to the public and I urge everyone that has a home-based business to undertake this program not because it is easy but because it is hard. Anything that is worth doing is hard and comes with obstacles that need to be overcome, but when you conquer those obstacles and reach the summit of success you will look back and realize that it was worth the journey.

Catch the action at:

Suzanne has a successful home based business and is a successful network marketer. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

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