Sunday, March 22, 2009

Explosive Teleseminar 90 Days of Learning Condensed Into 90 Minutes

Increase Your Profits in the next 24 HOURS!

You don’t have to get an air ticket. You don’t need to book a hotel. You don’t need to leave your home. ExplosiveTeleseminars is coming to you LIVE!

Who is ExplosiveTeleseminars suitable for?
Entrepreneurs and marketers who are serious about building a business online and generating profits. This is not for the tire kickers

Why does this format work for marketers?
Because it eliminates hours and hours of reading. Ebooks and courses have a lot of material of which you use only 10%. Plenty of time is wasted on reading & trying to understand. ExplosiveTeleseminars delivers the 10% that you need and cuts out all the fluff so saving a lot of time

How is ExplosiveTeleseminars different from the free ones?
Free Teleseminars usually give just teaser information and at the end upsell a bigger ticket item. ExplosiveTeleseminars does not upsell any product. It simply delivers critical marketing tactics for marketers to use immediately in their business to make profits

Why would this work for me?
The great majority of online marketers are not making a lot of money, even though there is a tremendous amount of information out there. Reason? Information does not sharpen skills. Skills are sharpened when information is understood and can easily be implemented and tweaked. ExplosiveTeleseminars does exactly this. Delivering critical marketing strategies and tactics on every aspect of online business in a short period of time. This accelerates the learning process and allows a marketer to make profits in a shorter time period – which is the reason you are in business!

Is ExplosiveTeleseminars useful for newbies?
Without doubt, ExplosiveTeleseminars works brilliantly for new marketers also, because the format of explaining techniques and how quickly these can be implemented, gets newcomers off to a quick start, eliminating years of wasted time and effort

Big decisions are being made and BIG PROFITS are being created. Get into the know and do what the money makers are doing. Now is the time. Get in and move your business TO PROFITS!

LIVE Thursday, 2nd April, 2009 @ 9pm EST
* Workbook Is Inclusive

Last Teleseminar sold out in 3 days flat!

Many got locked out – sorry! There is only room for 250. No more seats will open up so please register early to avoid disappointment at the last minute.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Your Internet Business and Online Profits

In this day of tough economic times, we are all looking for the edge in business. If you have a home based business and taking it to the internet or if you are an affiliate marketer trying to stand out in the crowd there are a few things that you can do to rise above the hustle and bustle of marketing online.

First, you have to brand yourself as a professional entrepreneur. If you are using a replicated site from a company the chances are very slim that someone will pass over that site before they even view any of the content that is available to them. You will not be seen as a professional if you do not have your own website that has been built for you. You need to build credibility with your prospects and your customers and the first way to do that is by choosing to have your own site.

Second, the name of your site is also important. It has to represent the business that you are promoting and yet be simple enough for people to remember. The last thing that you want is a domain name that is so long and it takes forever to type into the search bar. Also remember, if you are selling more then one product you can easily have 10 different domain names but have them all forwarded to the same site. On your main site you can have different products or services which link off of that site. Domain names are very cheap per year but what they give you as far as credibility is priceless.

For every domain name that you have you can also attach an e-mail addresses to that name, therefore minimizing one e-mail overload and allowing different functions for each address.

If you are an affiliate marketer it looks much more professional to have a domain name that people can quickly click on and remember then to have a long affiliate name that your customer will click on only once and never be able to remember again.

Third, in order to obtain higher rankings with the search engines it is important to have a domain name that has keywords in it that people search for often. If you are using a name without rhyme or reason or a long affiliate name, chances are the search engines will not notice you and therefore you will not be ranked highly when customers are searching for your products. Many search engines will not even search out a site if there are affiliate numbers at the end of your site name and with so many affiliate marketers out there today it is imperative if you want to make money online to get to the top of the search engine listings.

The above list is only a few things that the average online marketer can do to stand out above the crowd. So take the time to think of a good name for your site, pay the small fee that is required to register a name and you will have taken the first step to increase your profits online.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams. You can visit her site

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Important Information for You and Your Home Based Business

If you have a home based business you really need to ask yourself the following questions…

Is your marketing hit and miss?

Are you struggling to figure out how to best utilize your time but getting no where fast?

Are you busy working your business but not seeing the results that you want or seeing no results at all?

It is on a very rare occasion that I recommend any product, service or seminar that is available on the internet these days. Since it seems that I am a veteran with online marketing I feel that it is the proper thing to do to purchase the product and review the contents before I ever recommend anything. I seldom forward anything out to the public unless I know personally and I can honestly say that this product is well worth the money that people will pay. In this day and age when money is tight it is essential that we all get value out of every dollar that we spend. We are also very busy people and the last thing that I want to do is monopolize somebody’s time with something that will not be beneficial to you and your business.

That being said, I am highly recommending a teleseminar that is being offered by Nadira Haniff on March 12, 2009. Nadira is the creator of the coaching program 180daystogreatness and founder of the new Squad2009 Marketing Bootcamp. She helps entrepreneurs both online and offline navigate through all the different aspects of marketing that will help you succeed with your home based business. She starts from the ground up and ensures you have the knowledge that you need to carry your business to the next level. Unlike other trainers there is no hidden agenda, she only wants success for those that are willing to do the work that is required for success.

As always I am sure that Nadira will over deliver and leave you with a phenomenal amount of information that you can put to use the minute the seminar is over so I strongly urge everyone to get on board and register for this teleseminar ASAP as seats are very limited. There is an early bird registration incentive and I am sure that this will be sold out as was the last one, so please hurry so you are not disappointed.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Passion is Indispensable to any Kind of Success with your Internet and Home Based Business

Passion is at the top of the list of the skills you need to excel, whether you're in sales, you own your own home based business or you are in a profession of your choice. A salesperson without passion is just an order taker.

If you are in sales, you can have a great product, a tremendous territory and a fabulous marketing campaign. But if you don't have passion, it's hard to make a sale. When you have passion, you speak with conviction, act with authority and present with zeal. When you are excited and passionate about a product...or anything, for that matter...people notice. They want in on the action. They want to know what can be so good. They will follow you just so that they can catch some of your excitement.

There is no substitute for passion. If you don't have an intense, burning desire for what you are doing, there's no way you'll be able to work the long, hard hours it takes to become successful.

You really need to enjoy what you are doing because if you do not it will be difficult to give the extra time, effort and devotion it takes to be a success. When you enjoy what you do and you have a passion for it you will give freely of your time and effort, and you will not feel that you are making sacrifices in order to be a success.

Hopefully, you're happy and passionate about your business and the work that you do every day. If you aren't, think back to the times when you were and what you can do or need to do to get that feeling back.

J. Paul Getty, the oil tycoon, ranked passion ahead of imagination, business acumen and ambition as necessary ingredients to business success.

Surround yourself with people who are passionate about their business and you will catch their passion. And remember that you can't be passionate just when you feel like it. You have to be passionate about your business, product or cause all the time. There is no off switch.

Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, had 10 Rules for Success. Rule No. 1 was "Commit to your business. Believe in it more than anything else. If you love your work, you will be out there every day trying to do the best you can, and pretty soon everybody around will catch the passion from you, like a fever."

So set an example with your business, and for your partners or teammates to be passionate. There's nothing more powerful and more contagious than passion.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is the buzz about Twitter, Tweets, Retweets, Tweetups, and Twestival ?

Twitter, for those of you that do not fully understand what it is as of yet is a social networking site where people can post short updates, up to 140 characters, on everything and anything that they choose. It is often compared to status updates on Facebook and MySpace because the updates are so short. These small updates are called tweets but are also known as micro-blogging.

Twitter can be used for socializing and finding like minded people in your area or you can use Twitter to build your business both online and offline. You can find people with the same interests as yourself and follow there tweets and in turn they can follow you. As far as a building tool for you business it is an exceptional way to grow your list, build relationships and build your credibility. Blogging and twittering now go hand in hand because when you post a new blog you can send a tweet out on twitter and your followers will immediately get the link to your new blog post. If you find a tweet that you know may be of interest to your followers you can forward that tweet on, just like an e-mail and that is called a Retweet.

If there is a group of people in your area that use twitter a lot you may be invited to a Tweetup. A Tweetup is a social gathering that takes place at a neighbourhood bar where you can get to know fellow twitter uses, build business connections, friendships, learn something new and just have a fun evening out.

Today, Thursday February 12 there was a Twestival that took place in over 200 cities around the world. This world-wide Twitter event brings online users together and raises funds for charities. It originated in London where a group decided to use their Tweetups to raise money for charity. The idea spread over the internet to other cities including Barcaelona, Beruit and even Edmonton, Alberta. All the money raised from all the Twestivals will go to a New York based organization called charity: water.

Twitter`s profile was raised recently when the US Airways plane landed in the Hudson River and the Mumbai terror attacks were reported on Twitter by witnesses. Twitter is used by politicians to publicize their initiatives, students use it to have conversations instead of phone texting, journalists use it to pump up their stories and their circulation and business people use it to promote themselves and build relationships.

If you are not using this fastest growing, number one social site as of yet I really need to ask, "what are you waiting for!" You may be missing the boat to phenomenal business and relationship growth. If you are interested in growing your Twitter following you can do so by following this link and start growing your business today.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Adapting Your Internet and Home Based Business Marketing to the World in which we Live

Adapting your marketing on the internet and also your home based business is a matter of survival. In these hard economic times everyone has to be willing to change the way that they market their product or service in order to survive. We can learn the need to adapt to the changing environment just like the wolves of North America.

I have recently read an article about the Canadian Black Wolf; this wolf is found only in Canada. Some 15,000 to 30,000 years ago the wolf naturally cross bred with dogs until the dog was domesticated and bred by humans. The “black coat gene” started to re-surface in the wolf once again about 10,000 years ago. Even though the name signifies a different colour, all wolves, even the White Arctic Wolf, are all members of the grey wolf family but have adapted to different ecosystems in order to survive their surroundings.

Are you ready to adapt your marketing to ensure your survival in 2009 and longer? Do you have a marketing plan that will take you through 2009? Are you are still promoting only one business and using a company replicated website? If so, it is time that you started to rethink the way that you are doing your business.

You can join 180daystogreatness that is available online and you will learn exactly what you need to do to develop your marketing plan, target your business using niche sites, expand your business so that you have multiple streams of income and even more training that will help you to survive in these hard economic times. Coach Nadira Haniff will be soon launching a new program called Squad 2009 Marketing Bootcamp that you will not want to miss! Stay tuned to my blogs for more information coming soon.

I cannot say enough about the 180daystogreatness program and what I have learned from Nadira Haniff. At this point I have multiple streams of income from three different niche sites, and there are more in the works. I have opt-ins available on my sites, learned to use YouTube videos as a form of marketing, created my very own give away for my sites, have my own blog which you are quite welcome to visit and so much more.

Just like the wolves of North America and the Black and Arctic Wolves of Canada I have adapted my marketing and my business so that I can survive in these economic times. Are you willing to do what it takes to survive? Are you willing to grow and stretch yourself, learn new tactics and develop new skills or do you want to become extinct like so many other species in today’s modern world?

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lay a Strong Foundation in Your Home Based Business

Many people buy into a home based business and expect to have massive success without laying the proper foundation. I am going to lay a foundation for you so that you can move forward with reasonable expectations and a track to run on.

In order to be successful, you've got to do some very specific activities to build a foundation for your long term financial future.

#1) You Must Get and Stay on Autoship

Any home business worth buying should have an autoship order for their products. This will ensure that you never miss a monthly shipment of your product. By ordering monthly, you will develop your own story for the company products. This is also a monkey see, monkey do business. How can you expect your distributors to order the product every month if you do not? It really comes down to a matter of ethics.

This also shows intent to make a profit in your business. Since most of the compensation plans revolve around the purchase of products, by purchasing the products every month, the IRS can tell that you are serious about building your business.

#2) Set Up a Tax File

Did you know that just for running a home based business, the government allows you to write off thousands of dollars every year in taxes? It's true. By saving your receipts for business expenses, you can save thousands of dollars per year in tax write-offs! This fact alone is one of the biggest reasons to run your business. While you are actively making money, you can save money too! This will increase your profits even more and give you more money to re-invest back into your enterprise.

#3) Set and Write Down Your 90, 180 & 360 Day Personal and Income Goals

This is a critical for your success. It is true that people who write their goals down on paper and share them with others, are 90% more likely to reach them than those who don't.

It's all about seeing the possibilities as probabilities; Beginning with the end in mind; speaking into existence the act that will follow. Envisioning yourself receiving monthly checks from your company, that could set you and your family up financially for the rest of your life. Would it be worth it, to take the time to write these personal and income goals down right away? You bet!

Now that you have set yourself up on autoship, set up your tax file, and written down your goals, it is time to get started building your business.

This is where we come in. The top income earners in each and every company all have several things in common. They are coachable, teachable and they all have a desire to learn new skills.

There is a coaching program called 180daystogreatness that is now available to everyone on the internet. The creator and our coach is Nadira Haniff. She teaches skills that will absolutely set you up for the rest of your life in business. Learn more about this revolutionary business building program today.

In my opinion, it does not do any good to invest the money, time and energy into getting started in business if you are not willing to invest in yourself and develop the skills you are going to need to succeed.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Building a Successful Home Based Business

Building a successful business is all about growing yourself and learning new skills. Unlike a job where you go to work and do what someone else tells you to, building a business requires you to think. Now there is an interesting statement. Let’s break this down.

Today, it seems that more people than ever are looking for a home based business. People are tired of working for someone else for 40 years just to find out that 1 year before they can retire and receive full benefits they are fired and replaced with someone that can do the same work for 1/2 the income. This is a trend that is happening over and over and people and starting to take notice of what is happening in the home based industry.

Now assuming that you are in the percentage of people that are considering the home based industry, there are a few things that you must be prepared for.

First, when starting your business you must realize that you are in business. You must take responsibility for everything that is going to happen, whether it is success or failure. You must realize that you are not taking orders anymore and you will be making decisions that affect you and other people that you will be influencing. To do this will require you to grow yourself and become a bigger person. I am a firm believer that in the home based business industry we are in the people building business.

Second, you must learn new skills. Becoming successful in business will require you to learn skills that you may not want to learn. You need to be great in several areas. You need to be great at advertising, promoting, writing, building relationships, developing phone skills, and much more. You will need to be patient with yourself. Keep in mind that you may not possess these skills when you start, but if you persist you can develop them and eventually master them.

If you are sick and tired of the corporate grind and are considering starting a home based business, and you are willing to commit to learning new skills, growing yourself, and are willing to shift your 9 to 5 mindset, then I welcome you to the first day of the rest of your life.

There is a group that is called 180daystogreatness that will teach you everything that is required to help you become a success at your new found profession. It was created by Nadira Haniff and it will teach you the mindset and the skill set that is required for you to win business. Unlike a lot of other programs available this is a hands on approach with a mentor available to you 24/7. I urge everyone to take a look at this program to get you started in the right direction.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

5 Things You Can Do For Your Networking Marketing Business NOW To Beat the Recession

Let's face it. We're now in a recession. Let's call a spade a spade. Wall Street has failed Main Street and our government was ASLEEP at the switch.

Did you know that during times like these, it’s the BEST time to be working your network marketing business LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW?

But, you yourself might be feeling the effects of our economic downturn. Well you shouldn't. In fact if you're feeling a little DOWN about yourself and your network marketing business, here are 5 STRONG things you can do to get back UP:

1) Don't Buy Into The Bad Energy Of the Bad Times

That's right. We've had economic downturns before, and we'll have them again. But...we have the UPTURNS too. Listen, life goes on. And you can and should too. It's your CHOICE and your DECISION whether you want to WALLOW in this mess or TAKE ACTION and find the others who are LOOKING for the networking marketing business you have to offer.

2) Be A Leader

You need to be the leader that others are looking for, in you network marketing business and to your prospects. When you STEP UP and not BACK or OUT, showing folks what's possible and take a STAND for a better life, through your network marketing business, you'll find yourself ATTRACTING more people to your business. Just because the economy stops doesn't mean that you and your network marketing business should.

3) Now Is The Time!

NOW is the time for you to be working your network marketing business! I can't stress this enough.
Why is that? Simply put during economic downturns, people are LOOKING for OPTIONS. And there are way more options to looking at business opportunities, including network marketing usinesses. And that's EXACTLY where you come in.

4) Put Your Head Down And Focus!

Some of you may be looking at other network marketing opportunities. Heck some of you may be
DOING other network marketing opportunities and wondering why you're still STUCK in the SAME PLACE! Hot Tip: Put that TV away and focus on THE ONE network marketing business that moves you and place your efforts SQUARELY on the income producing activities for the next 60-90 days and you WILL see amazing results!

5) It’s Time To Lend A Helping Hand

There are people out there who are LOOKING for the network marketing opportunity that YOU have. Help them out. I know we all want to make money. But approach your prospects from the perspective of what YOU CAN DO FOR THEM rather than what they WILL DO FOR YOU. It will do wonders for your business.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Twelve Success Factors Part 4

There is no easy way to become successful. It takes a lot of hard work and most of all perseverance. There are twelve factors that you can learn and once they are applied it will increase your ability for lasting success.

Return on Investment

Time is a commodity that most of us do not even think about. How we spend our time and the activities that we do can make a difference in our success. Once time is spent it is gone forever. We need to think about doing things that will give us a great return on our investment. We only have 24 hours – use it wisely!!

A quote unsure of the author:

“Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn’t buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?”

The Power of the Mind

The mind has incredible power. It gives you unrealized potential that you can get what you want from life. It gives you the power to dream and the power to realize those dreams if you have the right mindset and are willing to stay focused.

Napolean Hill once said, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe. He can achieve.”

The Will to Succeed

Above all else you need the will to succeed. It is the will to succeed that gets every successful person to the top. It is that will that gives them the ability to press on when all looks dark, to persist against all odds, good and bad. When you have that will you can pick your self up after a failure, learn from the mistakes that you made and carry on with more determination then when you started.

You may have to dig deep at times but it is this will to succeed that separates the achievers from the dreamers.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.