Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is the buzz about Twitter, Tweets, Retweets, Tweetups, and Twestival ?

Twitter, for those of you that do not fully understand what it is as of yet is a social networking site where people can post short updates, up to 140 characters, on everything and anything that they choose. It is often compared to status updates on Facebook and MySpace because the updates are so short. These small updates are called tweets but are also known as micro-blogging.

Twitter can be used for socializing and finding like minded people in your area or you can use Twitter to build your business both online and offline. You can find people with the same interests as yourself and follow there tweets and in turn they can follow you. As far as a building tool for you business it is an exceptional way to grow your list, build relationships and build your credibility. Blogging and twittering now go hand in hand because when you post a new blog you can send a tweet out on twitter and your followers will immediately get the link to your new blog post. If you find a tweet that you know may be of interest to your followers you can forward that tweet on, just like an e-mail and that is called a Retweet.

If there is a group of people in your area that use twitter a lot you may be invited to a Tweetup. A Tweetup is a social gathering that takes place at a neighbourhood bar where you can get to know fellow twitter uses, build business connections, friendships, learn something new and just have a fun evening out.

Today, Thursday February 12 there was a Twestival that took place in over 200 cities around the world. This world-wide Twitter event brings online users together and raises funds for charities. It originated in London where a group decided to use their Tweetups to raise money for charity. The idea spread over the internet to other cities including Barcaelona, Beruit and even Edmonton, Alberta. All the money raised from all the Twestivals will go to a New York based organization called charity: water.

Twitter`s profile was raised recently when the US Airways plane landed in the Hudson River and the Mumbai terror attacks were reported on Twitter by witnesses. Twitter is used by politicians to publicize their initiatives, students use it to have conversations instead of phone texting, journalists use it to pump up their stories and their circulation and business people use it to promote themselves and build relationships.

If you are not using this fastest growing, number one social site as of yet I really need to ask, "what are you waiting for!" You may be missing the boat to phenomenal business and relationship growth. If you are interested in growing your Twitter following you can do so by following this link and start growing your business today.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

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