Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Twelve Success Factors in Your Home Based Business - Part 2

There is no easy way to become successful. It takes a lot of hard work and most of all perseverance. There are twelve factors that you can learn and once they are applied it will increase your ability for lasting success.

Two Degrees of Separation

This is a principle that states if you habitually change something that you do everyday, even by the smallest amount, you can dramatically change you future.


Successful people know that failure precedes success but it is how you react to those failures that determine how successful you will be in life. You have to treat every failure as a learning experience, an opportunity to do better next time.

You have to learn to view failure as a stepping-stone to success. Then and only then will it bring us closer to our goals.

Positive Habits

Habits are activities that we do daily and because we have done them so often we do not have to think about them or put any effort into them. They just come naturally to us. The habits that you choose could change your life dramatically either in a negative or a positive way.

When you have a negative habit and you want to change it into something positive you do have to realize that sometimes things may get a little worse before they get better as it takes time for your conscious and unconscious mind to grasp what you are trying to do. Focus is the key here because without consciously focusing on the change you will not be able to change the habit for any length of time.

It is in your best interest to change those bad habits into good habits so you will enjoy future success.

Please join me over the next few days to catch the remainder of the twelve success factors.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

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