Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Twelve Success Factors in Your Home Based Business - Part 1

There is no easy way to become successful. I have learned over time that there are really only twelve factors in your home based business and in your life that determine your success. It takes a lot of hard work and most of all perseverance. Once you learn these factors and they are applied it will increase your ability for lasting success.


Whether we like where we are in life at this present time or we dream of being someplace bigger and better we all have to realize that we are where we are today because of the choices that we have made in the past. We are 100 % responsible for where we are and once we all realize that then and only then are we mentally capable of moving on to greater success.

How we react to different situations in our day-to-day life dramatically affects the direction that you will be going. Remember success is a matter of choices and only you can make the choices that are right for you.

Positive Attitude

We all know the saying that the cup is either half full or half empty. Those with a positive attitude will always see the cup as half full and the bright side to any situation. People tend to follow others that think and act positively because they are more fun to be around. They are the ones that will have people follow them no matter what they are doing in life because they make people feel good about themselves. Those of us that tend to have a negative attitude seem to be depressed, lonely and miserable.

If you would like to succeed in life remember that attitude plays a bigger role then what you may think. A positive attitude is everything.


We need to learn to focus on the end results and accomplish tasks that are critical to our success. When working on daily tasks we need to ask ourselves, “Will that put us closer to achieving our goals” and if the answer is NO then we need to stop, refocus and start on another task so that we are heading in the right direction. When you have a home-based business it becomes very easy to do menial tasks that waste our time because there is no one around to hold us accountable.

When you learn to focus and act on the end results you head in that direction because you are not wasting a lot of time and energy doing the small, menial things. You focus on the goal, see the end result and you increase your ability to achieve success.

Please join me over the next few days to catch the remainder of the twelve success factors.

Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home based business and is a successful internet marketer. She believes that everyone can become successful with the right plan and the right mentor. She enjoys helping others become successful to live the life of their dreams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, Awesome blog! Everything you said is right on! I especially can relate to the positive attitude vs negative attitude...a negative attitude really drains you of your ability to move forward. Keep up the blogging...I'm looking forward to your next post!