A new home-based business is started in the United States every 11 seconds. The home-business boom is the next big trend, and network marketing is one of the hottest home businesses available. It not only offers low start-up investment but also low monthly overhead. Entrepreneurs can start part-time, while still employed, and build the business to replace their current job income. Age, gender and race aren't barriers in network marketing; in fact, well over half of the success stories are women.
There is no perfect personality for network marketing. There's a common myth that network marketing is all about selling, so therefore many people who don't see themselves as "salespeople" shy away from it. Most of the people who are a success in network marketing aren't sales people at all. Success requires a business owner to build a large network of people and the Internet now enables people of all ages to build national and international businesses from the comfort of their home.
Within a few months to a few years people are able to build large organizations. Gone are the days of bugging your friends and family and in fact, your success will have your friends and family bugging you, wanting to know how they can make the money you are making.
Some of the biggest reasons people are flocking to network marketing are time leverage, residual income, and tax benefits. Network marketing is one of the few businesses that doesn't require employees, yet enables the owner to leverage his or her time by building a network of independent businesspeople. This network generates a residual income for the owner. Unlike the income earned at a job, which stops when the work stops, residual income continues on long after the work is completed.
This income will secure people’s financial future and provide more free time to truly enjoy life. The best part is that anyone can do it. Even more exciting are the tax benefits of network marketing. Tax expert Sandy Botkin says that a network marketing home business can result in tax savings of $3,000 to $9,000 per year.
Take a look at the fun things a Mastermind group of 25 people are doing to take network marketing to a new level and to renew confidence and belief in people that they too can achieve incredible heights in their financial and personal life. A solid company, strong brand and robust marketing plan make all the difference. See what we are up to here:
Suzanne Lavigne has a successful home-based business and she enjoys helping others to become successful so that they can live the life that they choose.
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